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Some Never Learn!

Jake and Junior like to hunt.

Hearing about the big moose up north, they went to the wilds of Canada.
Each bagged a huge moose.

When their pilot landed to take them out, he saw their gear and the two moose.

"I can't fly out of year we view, your gear and both moose," he said.

"Why not?"  Asked Jake.

"Because the load will be too heavy.  The plane won't be able to take off."

They argued for a few minutes, and then Junior said,
"I don't understand.  Last year, each of us had a moose,
and the pilot loaded everything

"Well," said the pilot, "I guess if you did it last year, I can do it, too."

So they loaded the plane.

But, it was too heavy and crashed into the mountainside.

No one was hurt, and as they crawled out of the wreckage,
Jake asked, "Where are we?"

Junior surveyed the scene and answered,
"Oh, about a mile farther than we got last year."