FastCounter by LinkExchange

Oh, No!

Two men were facing each other in the waiting room at the airport.

Once said to the other,
"I'm sorry, but I'm a little hard of hearing.  Could you speak up?"

The other replied, "I haven't said anything. I'm chewing gum."

John looked real worried as he left the doctor's office.

His wife asked what was wrong.

"The doctor says I will have to take this medicine for the rest of my life,
and it's only a two-week supply

The youngster had gone on his first long camping trip.

His doting mother anxiously asked him whether he had become homesick.

"Nope," he replied, "the only kids who got homesick
were the ones with dogs back home

A haggard young man went to his psychiatrist
and complained of a recurring bad dream.

"Every night," he said, "I dream of a sign on the door
and I pushed it and pushed it, but I can't open it

The doctor took notes frantically.

"And what does the sign say?"  He asked.
