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Never Felt Better!

A farmer was coming out of his field along the back roads of a remote area.

Just as he pulled out on the road, a city slicker
came speeding over the hilltop and hit his rig.

The farmer is lying there pinned under his wagon...
his dog not far away... and his mule across the road in the other ditch.

About that time a car pulled up and the farmer thought,
"Thank God, someone is going to help me."

When he saw that it was the sheriff, he was even more relieved.

The sheriff looked over the situation at a glance.

Seeing the mule had a broken leg and suffering,
he pulled out of his revolver and shot it to end its misery.

He walked across the road and saw the dog was just as bad off,
so he shot him to end his misery.

Then he walked back over to the farmer and asked if he was in pain.

"Never felt better in my life!"  The farmer said.