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Looking Good!

A lady was driving through a road repair project.

After waiting a few minutes for a bulldozer to get out of the way,

As she leaned out of the window to make sure the car was in the right track,
she called to a workman standing by:

"Am I all right?"

He glanced at her and grinned approvingly: "You sure looked all right to me." 

A woman who had just completed a Red Cross course in CPR
was crossing the street downtown.

She found a man lying face down in a flooded gutter.

Quickly, she rushed to his aid.

She turned him over all his back and immediately
began to apply the so-called "kiss of life" by breathing into his mouth.

The man suddenly sat up and pushed the woman away from him,

"I don't know what you're doing," he shouted. 
"But I'm clearing the drain, and I'm a married man."

A woman accidentally ran over her neighbor's cat while driving down the street.

She stopped, very upset, and ran to the door to apologize.

"I'd like to replace it," she told the neighbor.

"Really?  You know how to catch mice?"