Monster In The Garage!

A man was driving along a dusty road, when all of a sudden he ran  out of gas. The man walked to the nearest house and asked if he could get some  gas.

Just as he went inside the house, it started to pour rain.
The  owner of the house said that he could stay the night,
'but if you go into the garage” he said
there is a monster in there. No matter what you do -- don't touch it!

The man agreed to this, and went up to the guestroom.

The man was curious, so he went down to the garage, and there --
sure enough was the was huge and ugly.

The man thought that  he'd see what would happen
if he threw something at him.

So he picked up a  rock and threw it at the monster --nothing.
The man made a horrible face at  him, but..nothing.

The man tried calling him names -- still nothing.

Then, the man reached over and touched the monster.

Up the monster jumped and started  chasing the man.

The monster chased the man all over the country side,
until the man reached a cliff .

The man thought that he was going to die,
so he curled up into a little ball, and waited for the monster.

Just then the monster came up and was right over top of him.

The monster reached down and said,
You're it!