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Real Self-control!

"I'm rather proud of my self-control, "remarked Paul.
"I've stopped smoking and stuck to it now for two weeks."

"That's simply a matter of commitment," responded his father.
"Real self-control is stopping the habit and refraining from telling anyone."

"Grandpa, have you ever been wrong?"  Asked little Mary.

"Oh, one time I thought I was, but I was obviously mistaken.

After being pulled over for speeding, the speeder confronted the officer and said:

"Why don't you people get organized? 
First,you take away my driver's license and the next day you ask to see it."

Coming upon a white leather football the farmers son had brought into the yard,
the rooster called his hens around him.

"Now, ladies, I don't want to appear ungrateful,
but I do want you to see what's being done in other yards."